— Trinity School For Christian Ministry


Trinity School for Christian Ministry (TSCM) began in 1984 as Trinity Hall, the theological training center of the Episcopal Diocese of Taiwan. After nearly 40 years of ministry, Trinity Hall is reorganized and renamed as of 2020 as TSCM to reflect a renewed endeavor in these times of a dramatically changing world, in our diocesan response to the Call of God and the needs of our Church.

Mission Statement

1.To nurture laity and raise clergy for the Church
2.To provide a platform for the study of subjects, matters, and issues in contemporary Christian faith.
3.To promote Christian education as a life-long learning by offering credits, diplomas, and a theological degree                (MTS) to mark such studies.

4.TSCM seeks to emphasize the ethos of Anglicanism in the spirit of the Holy Catholic Church, an awareness of               movements of the world and society at large, and to engage in the subjects of Christian faith as a Chinese                   Christian  


Our faculty is adjunct-based, since we operate on a credit-system.  

Dean: Dr. Tien-Yo Tim Pan

Science and Christian Ethics

Dr. Tien-Yo Tim Pan BS National Sun Yat-Sen University; MS and Ph.D. Washington University in St. Louis; MTS CDSP (in progress)

Anglicanism, Theology and Culture

Rev. Leo W. B. Tzeng, BTh. St. Bellarmine Theol., Fu Jen Catholic University; MA (Religious Studies) Fu Jen Catholic University.

Yin-An Chen, BA (Humanities and Social Sciences) National Tsing Hua University; MA (Anthropology) National Taiwan University; MA (Theology) Durham University, MPhil (Theology and Religious Studies) University of Kent; PG Dip (Theology, Ministry and Mission) Westcott House Cambridge.

Christian Worship, Spirituality 

Dr. Charlene Y. W. Chang, MDiv. Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong; MA Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium; PhD Cambridge University, UK

Rev. Antony F. W. Liang, MS Tainan Univ. of Tech; MTh. Ming Hua Theological College, Hong Kong

Theology, Religions and Culture

Rev. Jung-Chang Wang, MDiv. Taiwan Theol. College; PhD (Religion) Lancaster University, UK

Thomas L. C. Tarn, STL. St. Ballarmine Theol., Fu Jen Catholic University; PhD Candidate (Philosophy), Fu Jen Catholic University 

History of Chinese Christianity, Chinese (Anglican) Church History

Dr. Mei-Mei Lin, MA., PhD (History), University of Texas at Austin, USA

Rev. Joseph Wu, Dip.Theol., Trinity Hall; MDiv. Fu Jen Catholic University, Faculty of Theology of St. Robert Bellarmine 

Biblical Studies 

Rev. Dr. Graham Ogden, MLitt. Durham University; PhD. Princeton University  

Sean Liang, MA. National Sun Yat-sen University; MTS Perkins, Southern Methodist University; PhD Candidate, Claremont School of Theology.

Practical Theology

Rev. Dr. Philip Jeng-Lung Ho, MDiv. St. Bellarmine Theol., Fu Jen Catholic University;  PhD.(Education) Univ. of Idaho, USA 

Rev. Lily L. L. Chang, BS (Psychology) Chung Yuan University; MDiv. St. Bellarmine Theol., Fu Jen Catholic University